stakeholder analysis

Plans of communication

Marlen: I text her or go to her house (where she has her working space), once a week. I check in with her constantly about the outfits, now that they are all done, I still have to check in with her about the final fitting for all the outfits, because there were final changes that needed to be made. I need to have a meeting about payment, she had initially told me around $300. We need to sit down and talk about the amount of outfits. I also want to discuss with her, coming to the show because I want her to be present, since she’s been behind the whole process and she’s the one who is making most of my project possible.

Miss Amy: I am going to schedule a meeting with Miss Amy every other week. To check in about my project, I need to talk to her about my location, because she had the idea of doing it during CAS night, but I am not sure on where CAS night is going to be taking place. I also need to talk to her about money. I want to have really good communication with her to be able to carry out what’s left of CAS effectively. She has a lot of power over my CAS project and she’s really interested in it as well so I need to make sure I am keeping her satisfied .

Administration/Tatiana: Once I have my location figures out, I need to make sure to schedule a meeting with Tatiana, at this moment, she’s in charge of the scholarship program; therefore I am going to schedule a meeting with her, After I talk to Miss Amy. I am going to explain to her a little bit more about my CAS project, and the contribution that I want to make to the school’s program. After that maybe she can help me to promote and market it to a larger extent to gain publicity and have more people attend the event.

My mom: for my mom I basically already have a plan of communication, because I check in with her about my CAS project, because she speaks to Marlen, she also takes me to Merlin’s house and they work together. I also speak to my mom about ideas, and she has helped me with visualizing the show and what it should look like.

Community: Every time I have a fundraiser/activity, I have to announce to the community and inform them about it. I do this through community meetings, posters and in the future for the show I want to be able to post about it on the news letter, for which I need to communicate with the administration.

The girls: the girls i just need to keep informed about their outfits. I talk to each of them every 2 weeks. When Marlen comes, I talk to them and sometimes they ask me questions about their outfits. I also created a group chat so we can stay informed about fitting and any question they need to ask me, and I gave them my email as well.

Their parents:  I just need to monitor them, I don’t really need to communicate with them, yet at some point. I am going to send them an email informing them about their kid’s participation in my project.

Anyone in the scholarship program: they are just benefitting from my project. I only need to communicate with them to let them know my contribution to a program that they are a part of.

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