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Visionary: Tim Forderer

Location: San Diego

Focus: Continuing sailing connection and impact

Thank you San Diego sailing community. Let's keep connecting and creating together.

My time working and racing alongside all of you this season have been some of my favorite memories of my life. We have truly all created something special together.

As I head into my next season and circumnavigation shortly, I’m gathering a collective and circle of friends from across the globe to support and inspire the next generation of young people who are the future of small island communities.

I’ll be sharing the stories of some of these young visionaries and connecting them with support along the way.

The collective is called All Hands on Deck and I would love to have you follow along and join us as it grows. Watch the video below to see a little more about it and, if you like, sign up to get updates on the journey.

Let’s continue making the world better together as we sail it!

Fill out your info below to get updates on the continuing voyage of Captain Tim, along with additional information for ways you can get involved.
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