Emotional Health Storytelling

Exploring your own emotional health can be difficult, so sometimes you need to hear from others to keep you motivated on your journey. A critical part to your project (and life!) will be being resilient, so here you will learn from otherā€™s what that can look like and why it is so important.


  • Choose 1 of the 3 options (short reading, ted talk, podcast) to complete.
    • Option 1: Find a comfortable spot in your house (that is not your bed). Watch the video.
    • Option 2: Head to a place that you find peaceful with good, natural light (preferably outside if available). Read the novel excerpt from I Am Malala.
    • Option 3: Go for a walk or run around your neighborhood. As you walk, listen to at least the first 25 minutes of the podcast. School of Greatness #157 ā€œHow to Fall in Love with Pain: The Key to Resiliency and Success with Eric Greitensā€?
  • With a partner from your cohort or a family member/friend, discuss the comprehension questions:
    • How did your speaker demonstrate emotional intelligence, resilience, and/or self-awareness?
    • What were your speakerā€™s thoughts on emotional intelligence, resilience, and/or self-awareness?
    • If you had to choose, what is the one key takeaway from the speaker?


  • Once you have completed the activity and discussed them with your partner, respond to this path with a meaningful, written entry.
    • What felt familiar to you in the previous activity?
    • What was surprising to you or felt unfamiliar?
    • In your conversation, was there anything that stood out to you about your conversation? For example, what did you agree or disagree about at this time?

To continue, return to theĀ Module 4 Opportunity Card.

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