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Some upcoming challenges in my CAS might be; convincing other schools to accept our invitation, alternatively looking for other schools, getting our new shirts, creating a schedule for the games, and if possible raising funds for prizes. The biggest one of these, to my belief at least, is getting the rest of the schools to join because not all of the schools that normally are part of this tournament are currently having extracurricular activities such as soccer because of the recent Covid crisis. CRIA does have now a soccer team which we had a friendly game within which we took the opportunity to invite them once again to be part of the tournament, this time they did accept but now we have to get at least two other schools which usually are Educarte and Victorino, Educarte we have not tried to contact directly because our coach used to be their PE teacher so he told us that he’ll get that part arranged and we have spoken to the Victorino PE teacher who is also the soccer coach, he mentioned that the students are eager to play against other schools but that he has to talk to the director first, he said that twice in the last two months which has to lead us to take the decision of contacting the director directly with help of our director to make the email more credible.

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