Update: 11 Ale Quarantine activity
11 Ale Quarantine activity
Activity since quarantine started I’ve decided to workout constantly 6 days a week, I decided I wanted to do more than just stay home and play videogames all day so my dad as he has more experience has helped me a lot in the process. I started with a full body workout to understand how much my body can lift, as well as my body to get used to the exercise. We workout all together as a family as well as my 6 year old sister when she wants, I’ve also started training soccer, I normally always at 5 go to the backyard and play soccer with my dog. I’ve dedicated this quarantine almost fully to sport which has helped me stay sane. To date I exercise specific muscles a day one day legs, chest and shoulders, arms, back, and torso. I’ve been very committed to this as it interests me, and I have gained skills like discipline and dedication as I enjoy it and it's great to be together as a family. I've seen a change on my body so it makes me happy and makes me want to keep going and giving my best everyday.