I have suddenly time to do literally anything I workout every day, I play soccer at home, I play with my dog, just anything really. Since quarantine started I decided to watch old movies my parents watched that are probably not pg-13, as well as my mom and I started watching “killer inside the mind of Aaron Hernandez” since we always liked this psychological films. Some small things I’ve done is literally play video games with my friends as its one of the funnest thing I can do. I stay focus by balancing everything, exercise to stay sane, video games, and study, as well as time in family. It’s weird but I would say a fly that crashed into my screen and wall it was kind of funny to me and I’ve been so bored I see that as funny. My Mantra would be good things take time as I’ve always seen it that way nothing comes quickly and that is good. I just see my family no one else I mostly see my dog, and he is annoying because he is still small and likes to bite, what I love though about being stuck is how I can see all my family and be more united as we are always home and we can actually do stuff together.
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