Homemade Video

I plan on making videos for my CAS project which demonstrate the true stories of all of the women who participated in the insertions of the Proyecto Vida de Mujer and how this project has changed their lives. I hope that this video provokes emotion and has a raw meaning that can show everyone who these women are. This video will hopefully give insight into my project through interviews and the powerful words that these women will share. My video will be addressing a global issue of women’s rights not being heard. Specifically, their sexual rights; it will be focusing on the laws in Costa Rica and how they affect women in our community. I will present these issues through these women’s stories and how they can connect with this and how they can see that this project will benefit our community and become one step closer to solving this issue. My goal is that this video does raise awareness towards our project and what is truly going on within our county. I hope that it will become a great source of marketing that we can post on all sorts of social media platforms that way we can market and gain more attention from viewers. We are not only telling one story, but we are sharing the story of many. We are sharing the story of these women’s lives and experiences that have led them to make a choice in getting an IUD and how this has now changed their lives to inspire others to do the same. We are going to tell this story by having these women be completely honest with us and share with us the most sentimental and essential details in their lives, and how it has shaped them into the women, they are today. This video is going to be raw and filled with emotion (hopefully) which will enhance the story behind our project. In conclusion, this video will aspire action because we hope that it will attract other women from within our country to make the same decisions and take control of their bodies, making choices that will help them and change their lives. We hope to inspire women and teach them that they have options and the same chance at success as anyone else.

Created By: Alexa Toman, Costa Rica

Uploaded To: IUD PROJECT

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