Trimester Goals

The main focus of this trimester is to obviously keep caring for the nursery, but also collaborate with 5th grade in their anchor/sustainability projects and start planning with Ernst (ConnectOCean) the big event to be held in September. This is what I have to do this trimester: arrange a meeting with Sarah (coordinator for 5th grade project) during lunch with Felipe and I in order to discuss presentation and plan field trip; actually work with the 5th graders; and finally, meet with Ernst and ConnectOcean team to prepare for event. The concrete ways I will make sure to fulfill these goals and accomplish what needs to be done in the planning process of the event, is by communicating with my collaborators and team members via email and setting reminders to assure the meetings are held and the work is done. If I don’t complete my goals, my project will be severely affected which could threaten my CAS grade and overall IB so I obviously want to do well. Another consequence I will suffer if I don’t complete my goals is that my parents will be mad at me for not following through with the project accordingly because they are both aware and they both care about the mangrove so if they see I am not doing my job and giving back to the planet or following through on the planning stages, they’ll be upset and I wouldn’t want to get in trouble by them. Currently, my agenda depends a lot on the availability of my stakeholders because it consists of a lot of meetings and planning, therefore I only have a rough outline for now. The next week I will email Sarah and Ernst to begin the corresponding planning stages and arrange a meeting. From there, my schedule will be consolidated and I will post a definite agenda. My plan for now is that after they respond and we can meet in the upcoming 2 weeks, Felipe and I will present to 5th grade in the next week and sometime during February or March the field trip will happen. Throughout the entire trimester I am hoping I can arrange a meeting Wednesday after school with Ernst for every other week if that works with him, if not during lunch any day can work for me, but staying after school for me is a little bit complicated since I live so far away but I’m sure my parents are willing to compromise something to make it work. On another note, I decided to start watering the mangroves every other day now which is more often than what I had planned but the dry season is coming in strong and it is important to keep my mangroves alive! If I am not able to water them, my mom waters her plants around the house so she is willing to cover a few days for me. If I don’t water them, they will for sure die, and this is a serious consequence because it’ll affect the outcome of my project as I depend on these plants for my bigger event later in the year as that’s when they are planned to be planted. It wouldn’t make sense to have a bi event about the mangrove and not have any ready to be planted because an empty nursery wouldn’t be of any help. So those are my goals and how I plan to reach them, as well as what happens if I don’t! Stay tuned for a solid agenda in the upcoming week and I organize dates with my collaborators. I know it is not easy to keep up with the project because I have so much going on with IB and I also like to surf for hours at a time which consumes a large part of my day, but I am passionate about saving this mangrove and I live right by it so it is an easy reminder simply looking out the window when I’m bored and remembering there is an entire ecosystem out there that I have to try to save! There is no time to waste! We are fighting for the good of nature but nature will be against us as climate conditions will affect our project greatly, even more now that the dry season is starting. It is easy to lose motivation when the project doesn’t follow along as planned and the mangroves aren’t growing as we wish, but our perseverance and passion will hopefully overcome the force of nature to save this beautiful mangrove!

Learning outcomes: Plan and initiate, Global importance, Commitment and perseverance, New challenges and new skills
Learner profiles: Open minded, Reflective, Principled, Balanced, Communicator

Created By: Rochelle, Costa Rica

Uploaded To: Save the mangrove

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