Vacation Project

This break I worked on my project a lot! I knew that I had to be productive that way I could keep moving forward and achieving my goal. Before this break ended I asked Laeti what I should do that way we could stay productive, and she gave me a list of assignments. The following were my tasks:
put manual in structure and add in what I have seen happen
leave open campaign part
statistics are too general under number two
look at unet
check content table about health and women
contraceptives or rights
ministerio de salud
estado de la nación what can i find about static for contraceptives
what does the caja offer
contraceptives in costa rica
how many women in cr 18-50
how many women have saguaro social in cr
surveys for January

My main job was to work on our manual for other nonprofits in the country to follow that way everyone can benefit from the Proyecto Mujer and we can make a more significant difference. So this break my project required a lot of attention and work because I had to do research, analyzing, updating and keep constant communication. Although I had lots of other things to do this break I had to make sure to reserve a bit of time of my day every day to make sure that I could get my work done. I believe that having this mandatory work to do helped me stay on track and stay motivated with my project and also helped me personally follow responsibilities and commitment which was precisely what I needed. This break I started and finished our C.E.P.I.A Proyecto Vida Mujer manual that way we can expand and motivate others to do the same! We are now one step closer to making the difference we hope to see in our country.​

Created By: Alexa Toman, Costa Rica

Uploaded To: IUD PROJECT

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