Website Run Through

This week, I revised my project website in order to assure everything was in place. I realized I have a clear explanation of my project, my mission, and future steps, but I was missing a little bit on the past of the project since most of that information had been posted already but on my Tumblr blog which we recently transferred from. I posted a picture of what the mangrove used to look like, to give some context to understand the change and why we really are doing what we are doing and what our goal in the future is, to restore it to the way it used to be. The picture was taken by a local photographer, he has been our neighbor for years, he is a professional photographer and focuses on shooting surf pictures but he has always worked with my dad for marketing business to the menus at our restaurant, and along the way he has documented some mangrove pictures; just wanted to make sure to give him credits (his company is Selva Azul). Back to the website, in general, all of the information posted here works to show the process through my experience because every week I basically give an update of how the project is going and what we have done. The journal entries are basically summaries of our work on the project, and the personal and mission statement along with planning/calendar and budgeting show a little bit of background and general aims of the project. Here is the update for this week: Felipe and I recorded our voiceovers for the video we are currently creating so we can apply for a grant. I have been working on editing and putting it together. During lunch on Tuesday we had a meeting with a parent volunteer to discuss ideas for the field trip and overall collaboration with 5th grade. It went well, we are excited to work with them. This week we will run through the presentation and add any final details. Next week we are going to their class and presenting. Tuesday after school we had a meeting with Ernst, from ConnectOcean, and it was also amazing. We discussed ideas and he showed us the apps they are working on, which are incredible and I can’t wait until they are all launched and we can input our mangrove data into it. We hope to help them with as much as we can because they are donating so much of their time to us as well as their curriculum for our event, which we also discussed a general plan. Felipe and I will be planning that and talking with my dad to figure out dates so we can use the hotel, and plan some logistics and who we are planning on inviting. We will also brainstorm sponsors to help aid our event plans since we might take the group on a boat ride through a healthy mangrove to explore, collect seeds and learn first hand experience. I could go on forever about the wonderful ideas we had but they are still in development. Lastly, we voice recorded Ernst for our video and he said exactly what we needed to complete it so I will finish editing these days. I have been watering the mangroves every 2 days and they are doing well. Overall, we have a lot of work and planning to do but I am stoked on how it’s going and I am thankful for the interest of the community in helping us. It will be a challenge to work through IB, our lives and still have time to put into this project but I know I will be able to manage it because I am passionate about this and I look forward to making a difference.

Learning outcomes: Plan and initiate, Global importance, Commitment and perseverance, Work collaboratively
Learner profiles: Communicator, Balanced, Reflective, Knowledgeable, Principled, Caring

Created By: Rochelle, Costa Rica

Uploaded To: Save the mangrove

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