Personal Growth

My CAS project is currently at the developing stage. I am super excited about getting started but I need to come up with a solid plan because that is how I work best. I don’t have many faults in my project yet (I’m sure there are many to come) only because it’s in the developing stage. Although I am not in the middle o the project I have several areas for growth such as not being such a control freak. This is a big project where I will need to accept and embrace peoples help. In the past and in my life in general I have a difficult time doing that. I really enjoy having the control in a situation when the outcome will affect me. I want to use this project as a bridge to create a new and improved self where I am not as controlling. I know that having other people’s ideas and inputs and help in a project is important it is just not something I have been able to develop up to this time. I will do this by sucking it up and embracing the fact that in order to have a successful project I need to let go and accept that others input and help is key to success. This is going to be a long project so through the course of the project I plan on working on acquiring this skill. This will make me feel extremely vulnerable and nervous because it’s not something that I do. I am sure though that I will at the end of this project I will be extremely grateful that I opened myself up to this and allowed self growth.

Created By: Sibley Zepeda, Costa Rica


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