Best Colleague Ever!

“None of us, including me, ever do great things. But we can all do small things, with great love, and together we can do something wonderful.” – Mother Teresa
Both of these projects are very challenging and time-consuming. I knew since the begging what I was signing up for, I knew it was going to be a tough roller coaster ride. I never doubted Ashley and I was the perfect pair to lead these projects. I knew we are both very good friends and very responsible. I actually didn’t think it was going to be that easy to work with her. She has surprised me in many ways. She isn’t just a strong helpful partner, she is also my rock and my support whenever I feel like quitting or feel unmotivated. She has helped me so many times in this process and I am grateful for that. This week for example, in the yearbook project, we started selling the ads to business around our community. Ashley was very helpful and contacted half of the business and I send out the other half. We were very motivated and hopeful that the business would support our project. However, we have only received a response from 2 of the 20 business we emailed. One of the business is happily supporting us, and the other business prefers not to. We were very disappointed in this business and also in the other business for not responding. Nonetheless, we will have patience and wait until other business responsibilities. Whereas the Boston Exchange Program we have been on the roll. I took it upon myself to set up the Indiegogo campaign for people to donate. In the process of setting this website, I found myself very stressed and decided to ask my colleague for help. She was my savior, I am so happy she is working with me. Together we solved every challenge that came along with setting up this website and now it’s functioning. We are also hoping people will share and donate to this great cause. Now all that’s left is to promote it even more. We have so very awesome ideas that we are very excited about and will hopefully help us make more money. We will share the link with our friends in Westlake Texas and they will hopefully share and donate. So overall, Ashley has been a pleasure to work with, not only because she is my best friend, but also because I have been on a trip like this with her and It was the best, also because she is my complement on these projects.

Attached will be the link to our Indiegogo campaign!

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