This project has been filled with surprises, disappointments and moments that inspire us to keep going, just like any project we have our driving and restraining factors. Throughout this project, I would say someone that surprised me is Laeti; she is the owner of the nonprofit C.E.P.I.A which the Proyecto Vida Mujer is part of. I have never seen someone work so hard and do so much constantly; it was extremely surprising to see that a human could do that and still have time to live their personal life. She is always being called, asked to come into the office, asked for help or trying to manage an event and no matter what she will still pull through and successfully complete every single task. For me, this is something that is surprising because her work drive, dedication, and commitment is insane. Laeti has been able to surprise all the people around her and leave them impressed because of her passion for helping our country is something that is so powerful and inspiring.
At the same time during this project, I would say that the most inspiring moment we have all experienced is the end of the insertion day. When we are able to see all the women we helped and hard work we put in really coming to life. Although this is not just one person I believe that it was by far the most inspiring, powerful and beautiful moment that everyone in this project has experienced. Seeing all these women come in and trust us with their health is un unmeasurable moment. When they are nervous, and we can calm them down, seeing that every IUD that we insert successfully changes these women’s lives shows us how worth it every second of hard work that we put in is worth it. Being able to see how your actions pay off in a project and on people is the most inspiring and motivating moment anyone could ever experience.
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