My New Project!

I’ve started my new project! Today I called 20 women asking them about their experience with the IUD over all the responses were all positive! This is really exciting for me, I am getting work done and I am not as stressed. I will continue with this project until CAS is done. Clearly this week I have moved forward and I have accomplished something. I made a decision that is not only benefiting me but also others. I made a necessary change that wasn’t easy but in my mind it was for the better. I realize that this project will still be a lot of work but I know that I will be able to do it because it’s something I love to do. I am motivated, refreshed and ready to work. This week has been hard for me due to academics however I feel as though I have taken a big stride. I made a large scale decision. To some this may seem silly but to me it is an accomplishment. CAS has taught me so much but one thing that I am sure many have noticed is that making decisions is something I struggle with. I will stay in an uncomfortable situation for much longer than necessary because I hate making decisions that much. It is an unfortunate flaw but not something I am unwilling to change. I have been working hard on it through self confidence and self awareness. I believe that there are two root causes of this problem insecurity and the fear of upsetting others. I am a person that thrives when others are thriving and when I make a large scale decision it will affect others. If i see that the majority are satisfied with what is happening it is unlikely I will change it even if i’m unhappy. I am also insecure about myself at times and this makes it harder for me to speak up. Although these are things I have been struggling with for awhile this week I overcame it. I made a decision that maybe not everyone loved but it was necessary for my happiness. I put myself first. I am happy and ready to work hard on my new project. This means more phone calls, communication with Laeticia, translating, volunteering and more.

Created By: Sibley Zepeda, Costa Rica


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