
CAS is not only about our projects. It’s also about us and our growth as students and humans. CAS is an opportunity to reflect on the impact you are making in the world but also getting to know you and finding your true self. This is why I enjoy CAS so much because each week I learn something new about my self. It helps me understand myself even in the darkest of times. And I am so grateful for that because on times like these where I feel down it helps me overcome it. At this point in my life, I feel overwhelmed. The past 2 weeks have been overwhelming to me in many ways. Not just because of all the work that has to be done in both projects, but also the fact that I am an adult now, and I have many decisions to make that require a lot of responsibility. Lately, I have been feeling down, and tired. Tired of being disappointed and expecting a lot from people. In both projects, I feel like there have been people who haven’t given the projects the time and importance needed. For example, the businesses we have reached out to and that have ordered an ad, but haven’t sent the ad yet even after the thousands of emails we send them reminding them. On the other side, for the Boston project, we have also been disappointed in the poor communication we have with Cepia. Ashley and I have noticed that communicating by email won’t work, and we have decided that we will go to Cepia next week to meet with Lauren there and try to find a solution for this. In that meeting, we will also discuss the importance of finding the two girls ASAP in order to start the visas documentation and the English lessons. However, these two projects aren’t the only reason why I am feeling so overwhelmed. School is at a point that is making me stress so much, this is because we have been changing schedules and trying to make sure we have enough Bachi classes and by doing this we miss other classes that are crucial for IB. Above that, I also don’t feel totally ready for the Bachi test and I really want to do well. Now, at home things have been difficult for me and my family. Soon I have to make a decision regarding this situation and I just wish I don’t make the wrong choice. I really don’t want to hurt anyone but I also need to think about what’s best for me. With everything happening, I just feel like I will explode at some point and I don’t know how to react to it. However, I know that I’ll get through this and I will overcome this obstacle. According to the dictionary, the word overwhelmed means being defeated completely. But I am not defeated, and I am far away from being there. I know how strong and stubborn I am, that I won’t even think about giving up. I never do, giving up is not an option for me. I have people who are supporting me and friends who have my back and with their help, I know this story will soon be a bad dream. I know that the challenges that appear in our path are there for a reason. They make us stronger and smarter, and I know that I am capable of overcoming all of them. Regarding the projects, I know Ashley and I will find solutions to them and will be able to work with Cepia to make this happen and hopefully achieve effective communication. On the other hand, we will keep insisting in order for the businesses to send us the info we need, and in order to finish the yearbook. An I want to end this entry on a happy note: ”I don’t run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run towards it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your foot.” Natalie Comaneci

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