Throughout this break I have tried to not only maintain an active lifestyle I have also tried to create an active self within my community. Through my CAS project I have been able to do so. CAS has been a vital part of the IB program for me. Not only has it allowed me to understand what I want to do in my life moving forward it has helped me identify my passions and my strengths within my community. After finishing the CEPIA christmas party I have had a weight lifted off my shoulders. Not only have I been able to confidently say I helped facilitate an event that I believe brings joy to our community members I can aso say that it has helped me understand how I want to move forward in my life.
My family and I have a tradition every year on christmas day after opening gifts we swim to an island near my house. It’s a tradition that started when we moved here and one that we have not so consistently upheld. However, it is something I love and a way my family, friends and I can reflect on the amazing things we are provided by living in this country. Yesterday I ran to the beach, swam to an island, and then had an amazing lunch with people IN love. Not only is this exactly how I want to end my year it is also exactly how I want to live my life; eating clean food, doing exercise and being grateful for everything around me. This type of activity is what makes me happy. CAS has taught me how to harness the things that make me happy and use them to help those around me feel the same way.
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