Amanda- Journal Entry August 16th 2020

After brainstorming on what the next step for our project should be we concluded that changing the location of our destination was the best idea and decided to go to Mexico in the Yucatan Peninsula. Although the flight prices are similar with Peru, the housing is much cheaper and easy to access. In order to proceed with this project we need to fundraise as much money as possible before we buy our tickets in April so we can leave in July. The best fundraiser idea we came up with during these pandemic times was selling food that was cheap to make and people would order them through instagram, facebook or text message days before the delivery. We decided that our first product should be churros since the cost of production is low and the revenue was really high. We started doing marketing for the churros in different social media platforms and trying different recipes, however, it was harder than we thought. After trying 6 different recipes none of them worked the way they should have since they were either too thick or didn't even blend together like a dough. After many trials my mom and I came up with two final recipes, the difference being one had 2 eggs and the other had 3 eggs. We went to Cindy’s house to get an opinion and decided to make the 2 egg recipe at my house and she would follow the eggless recipe her friend showed her. My mom and I realized that the only way we can make over 150 churros in one morning is to make the churros the night before and fry them the day of the delivery so they are fresh. It took us over 3 hours to make all the churros we could possibly fit inside the freezer all ready for the next day in which the deliveries were made.

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