Amanda- Remote Learning Human Resource Project Reflection May 11th 2020

Today is my first day doing the activities that will strengthen my attention. As I went over the different exercises the article talked about, the first one appeal to me the most. The aim of this activity is to increase the strength of my focus gradually. They recommended I started by concentrating a few minutes and then a small break. However, I realized that I have already started doing long hours of work with no pause since we came back to school, therefore, I shouldn’t start from zero but rather at a higher level. Today, with the help of the Forest app, I concentrated on my work for 45 minutes and then had a 15-minute pause. After the break was done I went and set the 45-minute timer, again, in this same app that doesn't allow me to use my phone during those minutes. This activity really helped because I learned that I can be more productive and motivated by the short breaks in between. What used to happen was that I would work for 2 to 3 hours straight and then go a in the break to eat. I would stay in that break for another hour so when I came back to my desk I just felt like all of my energy was drained and overall lazy.

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