Amanda- Remote Learning Human Resource Project Reflection May 12th 2020

For today’s activity, I wanted to continue with something similar like I did yesterday. That’s when I decided I would meditate. Todays are one of the most stressful days of the week for me because I get assignments from Mr. Kevin and from Miss. Kerry. Her assignments take me around 2 hours to complete and those are due the next day for class, making Tuesday very exhausting for me. That’s why I knew that meditating after school was going to help prepare for the next hours of work I have left. I set up a youtube video with an instructor voice-over and very calming music. I did a 10-minute meditation since I felt I wasn’t ready for the 15-minute ones. I continued to follow the instructions they were giving me and slowly began to fade again from my presence in that room and my muscles keeping my body sitting up. Making my mind clear up for a few minutes made the transition back to working more smooth since my mind didn’t feel as overworked as it usually did.

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