Another Weed Notice from the City of Salt Lake!

On August 8, 2024 we received another Notice and Order from the City about weeds. This time, there were a few specific items identified and a phone number to contact the enforcing agent. So I called Kyle because I wanted to be sure the City understood that we are trying to preserve an ecologically diverse habitat and support nature rather than interpret our approach as defiant or uncaring of suburban landscaping standards. I was so pleasantly surprised by Kyle when he returned my call and said he had been hoping I would contact him. He made it clear that they found our yard fun and refreshing and that they wanted us to know they think what we're doing it great for Nature and they don't want us to change our approach. He noted that to satisfy certain ordinances he specified the few things that needed to be done so he could document our compliance. Rather than feel like we were battling with the City to do the right thing for Nature, he made it clear that they support us and that we can easily work together to meet all needs. What a relief!!!

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