Dear Cathy,
Thank you for supporting the Arbor Day Foundation. Your support, together with the shared commitment of your fellow Arbor Day Foundation members and supporters across the country, has a broad and lasting impact on our Earth. The work of the Foundation’s enduring programs is possible only through the kindness, generosity, and actions of members and supporters such as you.
Your 10 Norway Spruce Trees + 2 Pee Gee Hydrangeas will ship at the at the best time for planting in your area. Additional resources to help you prepare for your trees can be found below.
How will my trees arrive?
Your trees will arrive packaged in a bundle; please separate them before planting. They will arrive without blooms, berries, or leaves. Included with them is a guide to help identify your plants and ensure proper planting conditions.
How do I plant my trees?
Your tree package will include tree planting instructions. Don’t worry if it’s cold out when you receive your trees — or even if there is snow on the ground. As long as you can stick your shovel in the ground and it isn’t frozen solid, you can safely plant. Additional resources below will help you prepare for your shipment.
If you have any additional questions about your donation or trees, please feel free to contact us Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Central Time at 888-448-7337 or
Sincerely, The Arbor Day Foundation Team
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