Why do CAS– Check all that apply
Pass Creativity Activity and Service class to get the IB diploma ✅
Learn or develop new skills ✅
Teach your skills to others ✅
Enhance your resume for college/university ✅
Gain work experience in your chosen field ✅
Build self-confidence
Meet new people✅
Feel needed or valued
Express gratitude for help you may have received in the past from others
Communicate to others that you are enthusiastic about your community
Make a difference in someone’s life
Other ______________________________________________________________________
Politics ✅
Entrepreneurship ✅
Health Care
Children ✅
Animals ✅
Conservation ✅
Safety and Security ✅
The elderly
Other ________________________________________________________________________
Skills that you have to apply to the project
Computer literacy
Communication ✅
Other ________________________________________________________________________
Other ________________________________________________________________________
What else do you do well that you can use for this project?
I think one of the main things that I do well that I can use for this project is play ping pong which of course helps a lot but also I feel like i’m good at getting people together, getting people excited and getting people to have fun.
It is important for you to consider what needs that you might have to create a successful CAS experience. If this isn’t considered beforehand, you may find yourself in a situation where neither you nor the organization/cause are getting their needs met.
Transportation Do you have reliable transportation to get to and from your project?
Yes ✅
Reliable means that you can count on a friend or family member to drive you or you have access to public transportation to get to the project site.
Time How much time can you reasonably give to your project? Over committing builds resentment. Take into consideration your family obligations, school, and the time of partners. (Examples would be thinking about dividing up the work in a group so that it is equitable, or the time that it takes a family member to drive you.)
I believe that a reasonable time frame that I can give my project is 9 months. I believe this time frame is reasonable because I’m working alone on this project and there are a lot of things I need to take into consideration with this project to make it as successful as I want it to be.
Learn For many volunteering is a two-way street. The organization or the cause that you choose gets your time and in return you gain knowledge and experience. Are there specific things that you are hoping to learn while volunteering/helping an organization or a specific group of people? If so, write them down and then let your mentor or CAS Coordinator know. (We can also ask the Wonderment if there are any connections.
Agency/Organization/Cause Now that you have defined what you want, please develop a list of questions for the people that you will be helping. Examples: What do they expect of you? Can you talk to a current volunteer about their experiences?
How will you benefit from this?
If ping pong is a sport that is unknown to you, is it something you consider trying now?
Why do you think events like these are important?
Would you like this to be a project that keeps on going? (more for general public)
Then create a list of people and their contact numbers and emails that you can contact to be a mentor or provide an opportunity for learning.
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