Recently I came up with a few unique selling points for my project. Then during class time my peers wrote what words they could associate with an image I chose related to my project. Some points I came up with were:
The ones my classmates wrote were:
Amy J: growing, new beginnings, community
JP: environment, together, health
Benja: Sustainability, growth, self-improvement
Brian: Growing, Health, Sustainability, Nature
Steph: Teamwork, growth, environment
Sean: Life, growth, healthy, rebirth
Mateo: nature, teamwork, growth
Ashley: new methods for the community, surrounding, nature
Jack: Community, action, sustainable
Lucas: Growing, teamwork, together, unity
Diego: Nature, Sustainability
I think these two lists do have some common aspects, and for the most part all of the words in the second list are things I would like my project to be associated with. So in essence the two lists are mostly different, although they accurately represent my goal.
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