Update: Copa de Oro Log #2
Copa de Oro Log #2
This is a Gantt Chart which is graphical representation used in project management will show the length of time tasks in the project should take. This has helped me get a clear view of all of our current tasks and how much we've progessed, it actually makes me feel like we are kind of short on time when looking on when we want to start the tournament, it made me choose to make some modification to some of the dates and as things come up I see myself modifying it further. It will also let me see which aspects of the project didn't work which allows me to change some things if my classmate and me end up also having 2023 Copa de Oro. As a side project I've also joined the year book committee, since this was the first meeting we only discussed about what software we are going to use and started thinking about fundraisers to pay for the license of the software. There is a comment on the "Copa de Oro Log #1" which for some reason I would click on answer and nothing would happen so I'm going to answer it here. So, "How is your coach going to keep you motivated while there is no competition?" Well we are going to have "Fogueos" which are friendly games with other soccer teams, our coach has arranged one of them this Thursday (9/23/21) and as the tournament gets closer the participating teams will want to try their oponents in more of these fogueos. For "It surprised me that a school would decline an invitation when it is so far in the future. Can you add more to that?" We are planning to ask them once again around January or Febuary with possibily our schools administration cc'd on the email, this plus hopefully less restrictions/covid cases around might make them change thier minds.
September 17, 2021
I’d like to add that on “Phase Three” it jumps from Month 3 to week 7 because we havent planned that far and well, I didn’t want to delete that part of the template yet because Covid might force us to move the dates into later this year