Which quote resonates with your reasoning for choosing your CAS project? Explain
A big reason why my CAS project changed with time is because we realized that there was a lack of art in our community being shared due to COVID. Any form of art can lighten someone else’s day or week. Being able to bring back art to the community in the form of the dance recital and teaching classes allows the three of us to renew the arts in our community and lighten someone else’s day.
Which quote resonates with you now that you have undertaken some aspects of your CAS project? Explain
Now that aspects of my project have been undertaken I have realized that none of it would have been possible without my mentor and my dancers. I am beyond grateful for the support, time, and opportunities that Gaby has given me in order to carry out my project. Additionally, I am extremely grateful for the dancers at my studio who trusted me with their choreography and teaching them for the last few months. I have learned a lot from my mentor, students, and the experience in general, which will be super beneficial for any aspect of my future.
How do you feel about the class at this moment? Explain
At the moment I am proud of the work I have done for this class and the community I am interacting with. However, I feel like we aren’t given enough time during school to work on our project. This trimester we have only had one 40 min class per week and I feel like that is not enough time. Once we start to get in the mojo of the activity we are doing, the time cuts us off and we are unable to finish the activity.
Do the quotes inspire you to do things differently? Why or why not?
The anonymous quote “I always wondered why somebody didn’t do something about that. Then I realized, I am somebody” has inspired me to think more about a greater problem I have noticed in the community related to arts and take action. Instead of complaining about the problem, I should use the resources and opportunities I have been given in order to greatly improve the issue. Now that I have established a relationship with my mentor for this project, I believe we can work together to improve a big issue in our community.
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