During quarantine times, is impossible to go back to my soccer practices, which I need. Lately, I haven't been feeling the best. I've been getting headaches, high blood pressure, and vomiting a bit too much. My aunt and uncle are both doctors; they both told me that I should start working in my physical health, meaning that I should start working out.
Since the quarantine started, and my soccer practices were cancelled, I haven't done any type of physical activity since then.
I know all my work from last trimester was about finding self motivation and I said that I was going to start working out. However, during my summer break I got a new job and it took away most of my time.
To continue, my family and I decided that it was about time for all of us to start working out. My mom made everyone wake up and be ready at 7:30 everyday for the last couple weeks.
I have been feeling way better with myself since then, and it feels like working out and waking up that early is already part of my daily routine. Going back to school and continue with my job, I will lose most if not all of my free time, however, working out is not getting out of my agenda. I will continue with these and see the up coming results in a not that far future.