Focus training Part 2

Write a journal entry from each day of the week. Tell me what activity you chose to use that day, what time you did it and the outcome. 

At the end of the week, reflect on your focus compared to the beginning of the week


Following week 3 I decided to do another week of meditation, it was on of the options and I saw the success it had on my concentration following week 3.  Not only does meditation help keep you cool, calm, and collected, research has also shown again and again that mindfulness meditation can boost your attention span significantly. This week I decided to change it up a bit. I kept the same time of da to meditate, however, I wanted to be pro-active I was still injured and I couldn’t place  basketball so to stay in basketball shape and in mental shape I decided to combine activities of both and simply sit down (because I couldn’t dribble standing up) and dribble the basketball while focusing on my breathing for 10 minutes.

Monday 18: Today was the start of my training this week and I struggled a bit dribbling it had been 3 weeks since I dribbled a basketball and I could tell it threw me off a bit. However, it woke me up and I was ready for class where before the workout I was exhausted and not ready to focus.

Tuesday 19: From Tuesday I remember my ball handling and breathing got better. I was able to focus less on dribbling and more on breathing.

Wednesday 20: Wednesday I remember I was entirely able to clear my mind and just breathe I remember forgetting I was dribbling the ball I was back like I used to be dribbling before I was injured. All it took was 30 minutes of getting my rhythm back

Thursday 21: This day I actually woke up too late and I immediately jumped into advisory, however, I did complete my meditation the next chance I got during my lunch 11:30-12:30. I could clearly see the effects and the difference the little exercise had on me and gave me confidence in what I was doing.

Friday 22: Friday I remembered Youtubing new drills to do while sitting down to challenge myself as the drills I was doing previously became far too easy. It put me in a good mood made me smile a bit that knowing even though I was injured I was still getting better at what I could.



Following Thursday I could see the positive impact the meditation had on me as I saw myself with and without it. I had a lot of work due Friday that week and during science class on Thursday I remember spiraling but after my drills I was able to control myself and lock in. It was almost as if I had gotten back a little piece of what I was missing from basketball being gone; it allowed me to only concentrate on the task at hand.

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