Gratitude Letters

Hi Sarah and Ernst, 


Thank you so much! I appreciate the support of both of you at all times throughout the project. You both have been there for us and I am beyond grateful. I am really happy that Sebas introduced me into you because you helped me have a better vision of this project. 


First of all, you helped all of us with our community event, bringing lots of your staff and volunteers for support, and always guiding us with knowledge. The outcomes of that event were amazing and it couldn’t have been done without you.


Another reason why I am super thankful for both of you, is that you put us in contact with Jemma Purandare, who shared her knowledge with us and helped us understand the mangrove better. With her information and tips, we were able to understand what we needed to construct our mangrove nursery, which was a great starting point for our project, and guided our steps in the planning and building process. Because of the connection you provided us, and the knowledge she shared with us, we completed our nursery and it opened many opportunities for us. We were able to grow many seedlings and bring the 5th graders on a field trip to learn about the mangroves and plant them. 


Finally, I am super excited to keep working with you to plan the event, and I am thankful for you both because you have helped me have better ideas for the project. I am thankful for the content, knowledge, time and effort you are giving us for this project and I am so motivated to work with people so passionate and dedicated like you. 


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I couldn’t be at this point of the project without you!





Dear Miss Amy,


Thank you so much for everything! I am truly grateful for everything you do for me! You have helped me grow so much as a person and you have helped me improve my team working and communicating skills. You have been there for me every time I cry during CAS class and you have given me clarity in the next steps of the project. I am also really grateful for what you have done for me in business because you inspire me everyday to learn more and improve. You have motivated me to get into the business world and pursue this career. I really don’t have words to explain what you have done for me, I love you so much and I hope you know that. I really hope we could figure out going to Atlanta together for my HL IA, it would be memorable!! Thank you so much for everything, I always look up to you and I appreciate everything you do.




Created By: Rochelle, Costa Rica

Uploaded To: Save the mangrove

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