Journal Entry 1

How did I motivate myself to work on my project last week? If not, what can I do in the upcoming week to get more done?

Last weekend I went to a food drive. I didn’t need much motivation because I liked helping people, meeting them and I knew it was fun to do. I think that I maybe did have some motivation because I knew that afterwards I could go get ice cream. The upcoming weekend I can help out more by signing up to do more things. I am trying to look for more ways to help out other then the food drive.

How have I initiated communication with my mentor or others involved in the process?

Before I signed up for the food drive I called them to ask what they were all about, the things they do and about volunteering. after I signed up they have a special site for volunteers with calendars of upcoming events, who’s in charge, and information you need to know.

What did I learn from these interactions?

I learned that because of the state the world is in it is hard for the food banks to maintain the amount of volunteers there are. They can not accept anyone to be a volunteer anymore.


Created By: Anne, Bozeman, MT

Uploaded To: Food Bank-LEEP

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