Journal Entry 2

Although I’m falling behind on my CAS journey and have not advanced on my Wonderment page, I did participate in the CAS night and helped the 4th grade students inform others about their amazing medicinal plant project. This helped me understand the importance of helping others achieve their goals.
This week I will work on my Wonderment page and try to set the path for my project in order to achieve my projects goals.
An obstacle that I’m encountering right now is finding a way to plan events for fundraising to be able to have a fund and help other IB students with their CAS projects. Knowing that I’m going to have to plan an carry out an event that will actually raise funds is sort of daunting, but I hope that I’ll be able to succeed.
These past few weeks have been able to find a CAS project that I am actually excited about. This is specially important to me because in the past, I have had a hard time with motivation, but I’m glad about this project and to be able to keep going with this CAS experience.

Created By: cabo velas, Guanacaste

Uploaded To: CAS fund

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