Journal Entry #4: How do other similar projects work?What global issue are you addressing?

Other similar projects have worked efficently in the past since they have contributed their event to a specific cause that has a significance to them and actually wanted to make a change within that certain cause. Events such as: Terraza’s dodgeball tournament was to fund the youth center as a whole to keep benefiting the Tamarindo youth community which was an incredibly successful project.The global issue I will be addressing within my CAS project is the global extinction of Monkeys due to the way we handle our Planet. For the past decade more than 10,000 howler head monkeys have died in Costa Rica due to man made functions, such as: Electrical lines, deforestation, and lack of food sources. My goal for this project is to help the monkeys within my region by bringing more awareness to the issue and trying to make a change in the ways we handle our nature when it comes to these beautiful species. This issue is very important for not only Costa Rica but as well for the entire animal food chain, since monkeys are key component of that. The final goal for this project is to raise enough money to buy large banners and posters to promote this issue all across Costa Rica, as well as the Liberia airport to make foreigners and residents realize the seriousity of the issue.

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