Journal Entry

My project is about beach restoration and community connection, this helps me and my community grow and connect by developing the idea of keeping our beach clean and beautiful, this also helps tourism because it can incorporate them in this beach cleanups and art workshops. The community in playa Negra doesn’t connect that much, they all like the gossip that goes around the town but none of them make activities together so organizing these community beach cleanups helps us connect and keep the beauty of our beaches.


My biggest challenge is to connect with the community of playa Negra, I’m trying to organize the beach clean up but I don’t know how to let them know. My marketing ideas are to make flyers and put them around town with a date and all the activities (quick explanation of my CAS project) and at the beach explain to everyone why we are doing this and how this helps everyone by keeping our beaches clean (tourism) and connect all the community and feel safer.


The purpose of this activity as I said many times before is to connect the community by making beach cleanups and art workshops in the center of the town (accessible to everyone it is a 5-minute walk maximum) to connect the community and keep them aware of the global issue (trash in the ocean and beaches). I chose this activity because the place where I feel calm and relaxed is the ocean and it’s really sad that everyone is ruining it.


I need to find a way to communicate with everyone in town so I can start the journey and restore our beautiful beaches. I think I found a way to do it I just need the timing to do everything (cleanups, workshop). My barriers are a mental game by this I mean that everything is possible I just need to organize it and find the perfect spot to do it.

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