The main aspect of my project our community should know about right now is the tennis and pickleball tournament I’m organizing to raise funds for my project. To ensure this I’ve been advertising for many weeks and making sure the flyer gets posted in many different facebook groups, whatsapp, instagram, and constantly announcing it at our school’s morning meetings. Another aspect our community should know about is the eventual fixing campaigns I want to organize and the instagram page car4pets that will serve as an outlet for people to report abandoned animals, mistreated animals, street animals that need veterinary care and a new home. To do this I am using the event and the brochures I made to distribute as a way to get this message to the community by adding a section at the bottom regarding my project. Participation at the event is crucial for the success of my project, as well as involvement from the community when I have the funds to help animals. I need people in the community to report these animals to me in order to be able to help them. Having this report system will allow me to reach extremely neglected animals but I need people in the community to report these animals to me in order to be able to help them. Many times people care about the animal but don’t want the responsibility of medical bills, and therefore the animals don’t get care, with my project i’m hoping i’ll be able to change that.
Some of the main learning outcomes present in my project currently are; LO2, organizing an event like the tennis and pickleball tournament for my community is something I had never done before, it requires immense organization and self management skills. But although it was a new experience I am proud of the work I’ve done and feel like I’ve gained a lot of experience. LO6, this is a key one for my project as it is kind of the base for the entire thing. Animal cruelty is the main global issue, but i’m also focusing on spreading information about the impact of our diets. Climate change/animal industries are an issue I’m very passionate about, which is why I created brochures to spread information and to hopefully incentivize some people to reduce their meat consumption and consequently help the environment. The last learning outcome is LO3. A few months ago this was all an idea, but now my project feels much more tangible and I will soon be able to continue developing my ideas. Through the process and as I had to turn the idea into a real project I found flaws, and things that were not efficient. The logistics of my project changed a lot, I implemented new things such as the instagram account to report animals, but I also removed ideas that didn’t make sense, like a fair with animals, and guest speakers.
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