Update: Journal Entry of the 4th, Feb
Journal Entry of the 4th, Feb
Journal Entry
4 of February of 2021
Uma Raue
What challenges did you encounter during this phase of your project?
- Not being able to play my guitar during LEEP class
- Haven’t come up with many ideas
- Haven’t had much time at house to practice
Are you surprised by what you have discovered so far? Why or why not?
- So far my mentor has taught me a new musical scale, the blues scale and I’ve discovered that it’s very different compared to the most used musical scales like the pentatonic one, and that the pattern it has uses sharp and flat notes, I’m surprised because I didn’t know this and it sounds very well.
What would you do differently if you were to do it over again?
- Play more my guitar and practice more so I can come up with ideas and for my evidence take a picture or videos.
What are your next steps? What do you hope to accomplish?
- My next steps are to do more brainstorming to get my ideas more straight and clear.
- I hope to accomplish some part of the song, just knowing what I’m going to do for the intro or riff or verse or chorus.
What support do you need from us during this phase of the project?
- Just to have the resources from the music room more in handy.