What People in the Americas Don’t Know About Honey Bees

Listen to Ujubee's fascinating message above.
  • In the Americas (both North and South) few, if any, of us are aware that Honey Bees aren't native to our continents. They are only native to Europe, Asia and Africa and were brought from these continents and have been "kept" and "managed" in other places by human beekeepers.
  • Honey Bees have never been recognized or understood as the wild animals that they are. They have been treated as workers, to be controlled and managed to meet human needs for pollination of crops and honey production.
  • A powerful industrial narrative has been created in North America to justify the enslavement and exploitation of honey bees for economic gain and this narrative has been widely accepted as truth throughout the world.
  • Science has studied managed bees, never wild bees. Agricultural science and entomology (scientific study of insects (including bees)) have evolved with and are directly tied to industrial agriculture, pesticide manufacturers and the beekeeping industry in North America. Listen to a podcast addressing this.
  • Ujubee is the first research organization to study bees in the wild. With no ties to industry or special interest groups, Ujubee has brought this industrial narrative into question and is highlighting, for the first time, that honey bees, solitary bees and semi social bees are wild animals who have been collective participants in essential ecosystems for 80-136 million years prior to human interference.

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