Looking Forward

With my project changing and morphing as the year passed, it has turned into something bigger than I initially planned. Going forward I plan on making more connections with experts in my community willing to support and help my project. The reasoning behind this is because I have already found so much help within my community and my project has been progressing much faster and smoother ever since.

I plan on keeping the external stakeholders that have helped me so much already and expanding these stakeholders as time goes on. For the people interested in helping, my project is a nonprofit surf and skate rental shop that aims to help the youth within my community to become more active and have easier access to expensive things like surfboards and skateboards for free. With this final trimester in its first week, preparations have been made and are being finalized to make this Board Room fully functional for the rest of the year.

The growth of this project within the community is happening and I can see it. My sports coach had prior knowledge of my project before meeting them, my family in the United States have spread the word within their community, and I have recently acquired donations from these international communities that will be put into a Journal Log of their own. To summarize, this project has been growing since the start of external stakeholders contributing and it will only continue to grow.

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