Mangrove Explorer Weekend!

This weekend was my CAS event called the Mangrove Explorer Weekend in collaboration with ConnectOcean! Overall, the event turned out great and I will be posting more pictures soon! It ended up just being a small group of girls who signed up for the whole event, but a few people joined the boat adventure or the planting experience. The group of young girls was really fun to work with, they were all bonding over the event, and they were all super enthusiastic about the environment! Especially when it got to collecting seeds under the rain or getting stuck in the mud planting! We followed the schedule I had posted on one of my previous journal entries, and everything worked out really well so I am super proud of myself for all the work and effort that I put into planning this and that I was able to put a smile on people’s faces while helping the environment! Not only did the girls learn a lot about mangroves, they also went out and collected seeds and planted, so they truly got the full experience! Not only was it a memorable learning experience, but it's something truly valuable so we made certificates for the completion of the course and event that ConnectOcean helped us with, so it could even be something they put on their college resumes! We planted a lot of seeds and the plants we had in our nursery, I am looking forward to seeing these grow in the mangrove and I will check up on them every day when I walk the bridge to go surfing! I want to give a special thanks to Sarah, Ernst, Sio and all of ConnectOcean, for their incredible support throughout all of our project and helping us inspire these young girls! Also to my dad for negotiating with me so we could spend the night at the hotel and eat here! And I couldn’t forget Miss Amy, always motivating and pushing me to be my best, and being there to support all of our projects!

Created By: Rochelle, Costa Rica

Uploaded To: Save the mangrove

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