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What is your objective of the project? Do you need to explain what a CAS project is?


My objective for CAS is to host a ping pong tournament at the end of the trimester in the meantime of me setting up for my main idea, to work with connecting the ocean. We plan on creating a very large scaled ping pong tournament with multiple tables somewhere in tamarindo, If your unaware CAS is a two year school project that incorporates Creativity, Activity, and a Service.


How are you going to communicate with them? Email, interview, whats app?


Instagram and maybe in person meetings


What are you planning on asking them? 


Ashley has in the past made and been part of many activities and events in Tamarindo with the exact crowd we are looking for. We would like to know her secrets and plans for those and incorporate them into our own tournament. Why has she been successful?


What are the expectations?


We would like her to teach us what she knows and if she can help us host the tournament that would be cool too.

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