This week, your prompt is to  think about what motivates you to work on your project.


I feel most energized when I started you in my itinerary up the activities that we’re going to do on Boston this makes me reflect and understand how important is the use of cultural exchanges between different families around the world and this makes me really excited to just go and travel and have like a really good experience with kids that have never gone to the States. 


Write a list of questions to which you urgently need answers to before  you can move on with your project. This one is super thought provoking and will lead you in a clear direction.


What are the real objectives of our project?

What are we trying to achieve by making this project? 

What aspects of our project can be different from the past years? 

Are there any good ways to fundraise and obtain money?

Babysitting yet?


Make a list of everything that inspires you — from books to websites to quotes to people to paintings to stores to the stars. How does this  connect to your project?

I think the inspirational quotes for this project are actually really powerful in the way that it explains how we are actually trying to go and move forward towards our main goal and another thing is that from news articles on websites we can just succeed other kids going to exchanges around the world and experiencing new experiences.


Write the words you need to hear. What can we as teachers help you with?

Women power 

You can do this!

If you work hard you can achieve great things.

Just move on, every day that goes by, we are almost there.


What are you going to do this week to move your project forward and how much time will you  dedicate to it?

this week we are going to be trying to move on with our itinerary and our objectives in which this ones are not yet clear and the way that we need to actually write them down on a piece of paper and just be clear and understand what are we trying to achieve while we are in the states and down here in Costa Rica. Another thing that we’re going to be focusing on this week is sending again the email to families of La Paz because last week they didn’t publish it and this has to be published.


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