Nov 10 Reflection

Tell me about something that you were not very good at in the beginning of the CAS course. Be specific! How have you practiced that through your CAS experience? Be specific! Tell me a story when there are glimmers of awesomeness! Be proud!!!! Tell me a story when you faltered. Don’t be shy. Give me your plan to keep practicing.


I feel like I have never been the most patient of a person. It was always a challenge for me. While I never expected to become more patient my CAS project has significantly helped me with this skill. In teaching others how to effectively train I have learned how to train my mind.

When I first started giving pointers to my teammates I was impatient only helping once or twice then giving up labelling it a lost cause. Probably not the best thing but I was scared of being an annoyance. I eventually learned that teaching them proper was more important than anything.

When I was first starting my new CAS project I tried to correct one of my teammates forms he did not like it and got upset with me and I lost my patience and left him be, my patience ran out. I first noticed I got better this when we were doing pull-ups. I noticed many of my teammates weren’t engaging their back properly leading to sloppy form and poor reps. I could tell it was hard for them but I told them the right form 3 times and they finally understood; before I would have been less patient but I kept trying to help. I got a happy feeling that I accomplished something great even if I wasn’t the one that did.

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