November 19

Something going on around me in relation to my CAS project is animal abuse. You can see this in many different ways. One of the craziest ways right now is how the loss of habit for wild animals and the amount of antibiotics that are put into people’s meet is affecting COVID and other health issues people are facing today. The resistance to antibiotics has caused many deaths and even more problems for people all around the world. (  

Another very interesting way animal abuse is affecting the world is the ties between animal abuse and domestic abuse. In fact, 85% of women that are in domestic abuse shelters report that there was animal abuse in the household as well as domestic abuse. Children that abuse animals are also more likely to come from an abusive household. (  

Many times animal abuse is looked at as a not super severe type of abuse, and yes there is things like animal neglect that isn’t as severe as child abuse or domestic abuse but looking at different studies you can see how animal abuse/neglect tends to turn into other types of violence. Being able to see the connection between animal abuse and other types of abuse can help people get out of bad situations. Realizing what is going on in your home is very important to make sure you are not a victim of any sort of abuse.  

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