How did I feel about the planning process? What could I have done differently? What did I do well?
During the planning process of my event, I worked collaboratively with Gaby, Hunter, and Ava in order to properly execute the recital. I felt like the three of us could have pushed Gaby to give us more activities in order to contribute a larger portion of our work to the event. Gaby had already had a firm idea of what she envisioned the performance to be. So instead of it being our project and her guiding us, it was more of her project and us contributing small aspects of our own strengths in order to get the work done. At the end of the day, I choreographed two numbers that were showcased at the event, created the playbill, made a QR code for the playbill, helped set up the stage, sold tickets, helped in check-in, and lastly I was a backstage assistance during the first section of the recital.
Who have I had to work with while planning the activity? How did they impact the activity?
As I had mentioned before I mainly worked with Gaby, Hunter, and Ava, however, during the actual event I worked with two other dance teachers, a couple of volunteer parents, and Emily Duarte. Without Gaby’s experience and leadership, this event would not have been possible. She initiated and guided us through the planning process. She taught us how to plan the logistics of the event and choreograph our pieces. Additionally, she and the other two dance teachers created a number of different dances throughout the entire show. I had worked with Emily at the entrance of the event selling tickets and providing guests with the necessary information.
What was the feedback I received from my activity?
Overall people who attended the event really enjoyed the experience and had a good time. However, I did receive some feedback that will be super beneficial if I ever repeat this activity. Coming from the point of view of the audience I was told that it was extremely difficult to see the dancers on stage if you are not in the front rows. It was recommended to raise the stage by at least ½ a meter in order to achieve better visibility. Additionally, the lights shining towards the audience blinded and affected the vision of the audience making the experience less enjoyable altogether.
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