Project update

This journal entry is going to be mostly about my project in general.


When I started, I knew it was going to be very hard to do this project by myself. Mostly because I was entering IB and as we all know its a rigorous program. Reason of why I decided to build my project as soon as possible and not wait until the last minute and have all the IB assignments on top.


The building process was hard, I can’t lie. It took a lot of time during school but mostly during summer, I needed to communicate a lot with the welder, friends, family, and Ms. Amy.  Communication was the easy part, building the actual greenhouse is where the hard part came, long days spent building this structure, under the sun with no professional designer or engineer to help us. That was hard.


Right now my project is on and working, the idea is to get more plants because it looks a bit abandoned because of the number of plants I have which are 10 out 160, and I would definitely like to take advantage of the number of plants that I can produce.


So this week I’m looking for more plants because mine is not growing.


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