Risk management

ou Who affected? Existing Controls Probability (A) (1-3) Serverity (B) (1-3) AxB= Risk Rating What needs to be completed to minimize the risk?
Age differences and experience levels making the tournament unbalanced and not fun. Players 1.5 2 3 Have multiple tennis and pickleball coaches present to help guide the less experienced. Market to mainly tennis groups and adults who have experience.
People entering the event without paying the entry fee. Cas project, animals 1 2 2 Have someone at the front door who charges the entry fee in order to receive the bracelet to enter.
Not having enought people to stand at the entrance, sell foods and drinks, coordinate matches, the raffle, music, etc People that come to the event 1 3 3 Ask friends and family to help during the event.
People being bored inside the event/ not enough attraction People that come and the project because of bad reputation 1 2 2 Promote raffle, sponsors, ping pong table, live music, promote it through many different age group, social media platforms and groups.
People who bought raffle tickets not staying until the end. People that come to the event and project 2 2 4 When someone buys a raffle ticket they have to write down their name and a medium to contact them so even if they leave we can give them their prize later.
Players not wanting to pay 15$ CAS project, animals 2 3 6 Market to mainly adults
Not enough people show up. CAS project, animals, me 2 3 6 Have prior sign up to ensure at least the players. Constantly advertise the event through my parents business social media,cavalinis social media, my social media, my friends, at the school, through my CAS projects instagram etc.
People are hungry at lunchtime Players, people that come 3 2 6 Have a lot of food, things like empanadas, and focacchia sandwiches that can actually be considered a meal.

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