Update: Summer Journal entry #3 (Service)
Summer Journal entry #3 (Service)
During the summer I gave away many of my things that I didn’t use anymore like toys, books and clothing to a single mother from the San Francisco town who came to help at my house. This experience felt very good because it’s nice knowing that things you don't use anymore can be enjoyed and given a better use by someone else and can also bring happiness and fun times to them. One of the seven learning outcomes of CAS that applies to this experience is “Demonstrate how to initiate and plan” because when my sister and I started with the plan we organized everything and went through different stages from the process of selecting the different items to give away. I can connect this experience with the IB profile trait of Reflective because I really reflected on what I was doing and how my decisions would have an effect on others, the end result to this service was successful, and gratifying.