On Monday November 11th in class we were to look up 5 Tweets or Twitter trends related to our topic. So that we could further analyse our topic and see what is happening in our chosen community.
“See what I’m saying now! They don’t care about them kids at all. Only about how they can make them”
“Don’t let negativity win today. Remember it starts with you. If you are complaining you’re not leading. If you are leading you’re not complaining. One person can’t make a team but one person can break a team. Stay positive! No energy vampires allowed”(Gordon).
“Today we are proud to recognize and honor all the men and women who have served our country. Your Miami HEAT family thanks you” (Miami Heat).
“Happy VeteransDay! We thank all who have served and continue to serve our country.” (Washington Wizards).
“Congrats Gorgui Dieng for the NBA cares off season community assist award for your dedication to bringing sustainable medical care to your home country of Senegal. We all know how special you are now the world can see it too.
After researching through twitter today I realized that many of basketballs big names, franchises and brands stand for so much more than just the sport of basketball. The NBA franchises supporting veterans day, Lebron James supporting the payment of NCAA and Gorgui Dieng supporting medical centers in his home country of Senegal are excelent examples of this.
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