Week 2 journal entry

  • How are you feeling at the beginning of the project? Describe your feelings and how you are using strategies to manage them.

At the beginning of my CAS project i’m honestly feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Since we’re at the beginning of our project we have a lot of things to do, not only because we’re at the beginning of our project but also because my partner and I set a date which is only a couple months away which is another reason why I’m  stressed out. Some strategies me and my partner used to feel less overwhelmed is to create a Gantt chart. Our Gantt Chart clearly shows what we have to do and by when, this has helped a lot because it means we can manage our time accordingly.

  • Create SMART goals for your project. Explain how they are SMART and when we can review them to see if they have been met.

Some smart goals for my project are #1, create a fun environment where people can have fun while playing ping pong. #2, make a lot of money for charity and other CAS projects and #3, fill up the tournament’s venue so we can teach the public how much of a fun sport ping pong is. These goals are SMART because these are goals which I believe to be fairly specific and achievable by the time I host the tournament on November 20th. 

  • What are your perceptions of the project at the moment? Does it solve a need in the community? If so, what? Are there people that are willing to help? If not, how can you find them? And what is the vision for the project at the end of the duration? How will it benefit the community?

I at the moment have really good perceptions of the project as I believe my partner and I can make it really successful and bring a lot of people out to play ping pong. I don’t think this project really solves a NEED in the community but I do believe that this ping pong tournament can bring a lot of happiness to the community as well as a big break from everything that’s going down in our world at the moment. I’ve talked to a few people about it so far and talked to them about potentially helping out and volunteering and most of the answers I’ve gotten so far were fairly positive as most of them said they would for sure help out. My vision for this project is fairly simple, what I want to accomplish is to bring a lot of people to the sport of ping pong with a big successful tournament with all different types of ages and raise as much money as we can for charity. This will benefit the community because 1 all the money which we receive will go to charity and 2 because it will be a fun event to go to have fun and relax with your friends outside of school. 

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