What did you learn about yourself through this activity, and what attitudes, abilities and values have you developed?

Throughout the journey of two years, I have been focusing on painted and reusing old skateboards in order to facilitate the resources for my community. Not only did I accomplish my main goal and mission statement but I learned that within myself I was capable of teaching. Teaching is the act of passing knowledge to the next generation in order to facilitate and improve education, sports, etc. I was capable to teaching kids in my community the basic of skateboarding such as rolling around and tricks. To teach someone how to skate is hard because people give up easily after falling for the first time. The basics of skateboarding are all about practice and muscle memory but after a while, you will fall in love with the sport. Teaching was probably one of my favorite parts of the journey because of the amazing feedback from parents I received.

Created By: Benjamin Genga, Guanacaste

Uploaded To: Paint For Skate

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