Now that I am doing my project every week I have a meeting, how is it going. So far I think that it has gone very well. I feel that people are learning something and most definitely they aren’t losing anything by attending my class. I definitely think some people have more determination than others and want to learn more than others. I think the quick lessons have been good because people are able to stay engaged for that short period of time and it doesn’t get boring. But what has been going wrong or what needs to improve? So far, I think that there is a lack of motivation to come to my project. I believe most people are there because they feel like they should support me and although I appreciate that and am extremely glad that they are there it makes it harder for me. for me, I feel slightly like they don’t want to be there and don’t want to learn so I feel bad and don’t want them to feel forced to be there. This obstacle makes me spin into thinking about the ethics of my project and the impact that it is creating. This is an obstacle that I don’t know what to do with and don’t know if I will really ever know what to do with it. I have also been thinking about how this competition has sped up the process. This competition has been super fun but I feel like most of the people in the class don’t know or care enough about it for it to help them learn. This is all really hard cause these opinions are made from my point of view. But I want to step back after the competition to see what they have learned then create simpler and more in-depth classes that create a base knowledge for them to be able to understand and care about it in the future. Overall I have struggled with the ethical implications of my project and tried to think of how my project needs to change to make it more interactive and fun so people are engaged and want to learn. Because in the end, my goal of this project isn’t to add more work or add something else to someone’s plate because they feel forced to participate but because they want to, and that way they look forward to classes and want to come and learn.
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