Bonus Path: Visualization Writing Spark

Visualization is a powerful tool to get what you want and understand exactly what you need. This quick writing activity will help you wrap your head around your ideal project for this course. 

Writing Sprint

  • Set a 5 minute timer, and without stopping, write about what you hope your project to be like. You CANNOT stop writing during this 5 minutes, so really let it all out. Paint the picture of what you want your project to look like, how you will feel doing it, who you are working with, what need is it solving etc. 
  • Once the timer has gone off, reread what you wrote. On the path, reflect on: 
    • What stood out to you about what you wrote? 
    • What common themes did you notice in your writing? 
    • What are the most apparent emotions you saw based on the content, hand writing, tone etc.? 


To continue, return to the Module 4 Opportunity Card.

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